Case Studies 

Nordic Energy Case Studies 

Learn more about some of our recent projects. 

Caerau Heat and Power Project 

Nordic Energy progressed a detailed project development, providing Caerau Primary School with heating sourced from warm water in the former Caerau Colliergy mine workings and, in partnership with Challoch Energy, proving a private wire electricity supply from the Llynfi Afan Wind Farm. 

Stoke-on-Trent District Heating Network 

Nordic Energy has supported the development of heat network Zones in Stoke-on-Trent via the DESNZ Heat Network Zoning Pilot Project. 

Rotherham Heat Network Detailed Development 

The Rotherham Heat project, developed by Nordic Energy on behalf of Greencoat Capital, was a heat network supplied with heat from the Templeborough Biomass Power Plant. Planned connections included Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council (RMBC) properties and local Industrial heat users. HNIP funding of £8.3m was secured alongside non-domestic RHI worth circa £12m over the life of the project. 

Heat Network Zoning Pilot Project in partnership with Witteveen+Bos 

As part of the Government’s commitment to delivering Net Zero by 2050, the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) is committed to introducing legislation for Heat Network Zoning (HNZ) by no later than 2025. Heat network zones are designated geographic areas within which heat networks are expected to offer the lowest cost means of decarbonising heat for a significant number of buildings. 


D2Grids support the development of 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5GDHC) in North West Europe. 
5GDHC is a highly optimised, demand-driven, self-regulating, energy management system for urban areas.  

GreenSCIES 5th generation heating and cooling network 

The London Borough of Islington has made a net-zero declaration. This date centre in Islington has a constant high demand for chill. By capturing their excess heat, the GreenSCIES energy network can supply heat to local buildings for a much lower carbon footprint than their existing gas boilers. 

Ground Mount Solar Vertical Farming and Electric Vehicles 

IPV Flexgen are developing microgrid projects which combine ground mount solar with closed environment agriculture, electric vehicle charging and battery storage. 

Mine Energy Feasibility Report for Gateway36 

The Gateway 36 Development is already building an integrated approach for inclusion of Energy Efficiency with Phase 3 Building 2 targeting delivery of a BREEAM Excellent rating.  

Mine Energy Feasibility Report 

Old oil, gas and coal workings are a potential for large amounts of renewable heat. The key challenge is the commercial viability of extracting the heat and transporting it to where it is required. The rural nature of many of these sites means that there is a scarcity of nearby heat demands. 

Private Wire from Biomass Power Station 

WBE is seeking a strategic plan to enable long term Wood Biomass Plant operations beyond market subsidy support from ROC's. 

Minewater Energy Toolkit 

To accelerate the construction of Minewater Energy projects and thereby support the regeneration and decarbonisation of former coal mining regions of the UK