Bridgend County Borough Council
A Minewater Energy Project Development Guide for Local Authorities, Investors and Developers
To accelerate the construction of Minewater Energy projects and thereby support the regeneration and decarbonisation of former coal mining regions of the UK
Guidance on;
Mine Energy and Heat Networks
Licenses and Permissions
Boreholes and Drilling
Private Wire
Project Management
Techno-Economic Modelling
Reference Library
Key Statistics
Minewater Energy Projects – Coal Authority estimations;
2.2 GWh of available heat
25% UK homes and businesses above former coal mining workings
Potential Impact of constructing the mine energy projects in the Coal Authority pipeline;
90,000 tonnes of carbon saved
4,500 direct jobs
9-11,000 jobs in the supply chain
“Across the world, Minewater Energy Projects build new economic strength in former coal mining regions by providing low carbon heating and energy security.”