Case Study
Mine Energy Feasibility Report for Gateway36
Harworth Group
The Gateway 36 Development is already building an integrated approach for inclusion of Energy Efficiency with Phase 3 Building 2 targeting delivery of a BREEAM Excellent rating. Further consideration of Renewables Decentralised Generation is recommended with a detailed assessment to include Concept Designs, Project Planning and Market Engagement for Investment, EPC delivery and ESCo O&M.
The coal fields underneath the Gateway 36 development contain sufficient warm water to provide a sustainable heating and cooling resource for the anticipated demand from the development, up to 2 MW thermal peak load and 5,000 MWh per annum.
The technologies and processes related to capturing, up-grading and distributing mine energy are well known and proven. The main obstacle is to make these solutions affordable compared with existing heat solutions based on gas.
Analyse the commercial potential of using heat from the local coal mine to heat this new development.
Give advice on funding streams such as the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) and the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP)
Discuss delivery models and the development strategy
Key Statistics

5GWh per year of heat demand

90,000m2 of commercial floor area